Teaching Aids
- "Electricity and Magnetism"
- Spooky Spoke
- Solar Car
- Solar Boat
- Solar Toy Car
- Resistant Pencil
- Forceful Fall
- Series & Parallel
- Magnetic Field Lines
- Eddy Currents
- Induced EMF
- Induction Apparatus
- Magnetic Jumping Frog
- Paper Kite
- Magnetic Needle
- Straw Static
- Levitating Man
- Jumping Coil
- Bimetallic Alarm
- Levitating Propellor
- Static Tissue
- Eddy Current Spinner
- Magnetic Hopping
- Magnetic Fan
- Static Charge Bends Water
- Vertical Levitation
- Electrical Induction
- Solar Cap
- Eddy Current Slowdown
- Variable Resistance
- Magnetic Worm
- Magnetic Propeller
- Nose Bug
- Pen Prop
- Magnetic Levitation
- Maglev Train
- Paper Electroscope
- Magnetism from Electricity
- Fleming's left hand rule
- Geometry with Magnets
- Induction in a Test Tube
- Moon Buggy
- Reactance
- Maglev CD
- Magnetic Bug
- Paper Static
- Motor Bug
- Flowing Charge
- Magnetic Movement
- Solar Fan
- Solar Windgenerator
- Lighthouse Generator
- Induced Eddy Current
- Shimmering Butterfly
- Repelling Water
- Static Balloon
- Magical Standing Pen
- Magnetic Spin And Roll
- Glass Lifts Glass
- Electric Swing
- Water Conductivity
- Magnetic Top
- Ministers Pen
- Shocking!!
- Static Strands
- Magnetic Brake
- Static Bell
- Magnetic Zoom!
- Magnetic Rail
- Potato Battery
- Crazy Magnet
- Current - Magnet Effect
- Making Magnets
- Magnetic Motion
- Magnetic Air Fan
- Light House
- Electric Bug
- Ferro-fluid Flower
- Magnetic Rotation
- Salt Water Battery
- Magnetic Doll
- Wind Multi Generator
- Magnetic Osillations
- Eddy Current Brake
- Magnetic To And Fro
- Merry Go-Round Spinner
- Static Straws
- Floating Propeller
- Magnetic Roll
- Static Wand
- Eddy Current Dance
- Magnetic Crazy Doll
- Rolling Rail
- Magnetic Rotation Euler's Disc
"Air and water"
- Straw Turbine
- Simple Rain Gauge
- Water Turbine
- Submarine
- Surface Tension
- Convection Currents
- Convection In Glass
- Buoyant Balls
- Fresh Egg Sinks Rotten Egg Floats
- Egg In Bottle
- Synthetic Jelly
- Capillary Action
- Pearl On Hot Pan
- Soap Size
- Drop By Drop
- Centrifuge Sprinkler
- Missing Volume
- Bottle Centrifuge
- Oil Centrifuge
- Thirsty Bottle
- Opening Up
- Floating Lemon
- fun With Floating
- Cloth Siphon
- Multi Boil
- Paper Cone Ferrari
- Candle fun!
- Water Lens
- Smoke Rings
- Brine Buoyancy
- Bottle Blast
- Water Absorbent Polymer
- Sand Sucks
- Wine Tears
- Pearl On Corm Leaf
- Balloon Diver
- Spinning Diver
- Spin Water Make Parabola
- Mushroom Cloud
- Swirl Coating
- Spectacular Soap Films
- Fun With Water Lens
- Secret Siphon
- Hot Air Balloon
- Air Has Weight
- Floating Paper Clip
- Loop Glider
- Expansion of Air
- Boiling Water
- Water Wheel
- Force of Adhesion
- Fun Fountain
- Watery Grave
- Water Squirt
- Synthetic Bouncy Ball
- Solid Liquid
- Hot Ice
- Soap Pearl
- Whirling Currents
- Solar Water Heater
- Glass Centrifuge
- Clouds In Water
- Water Proof Net
- Magical Weight Gain
- Convection - Smoke Flow
- Straw Bottle Siphon
- Two Bottle Fountain
- Fun With Surface Tension
- Triple Fun With Straw
"Amazing Astronomy"
"Beginner's Biology"
"Flying Toys"
"Force Fun"
"Fun with Light"
"Fun with Pressure"
- Hydraulic Jack
- Pressure Magic!
- Height Might
- Dare - devil Diver
- Aerofoil
- Barometer Bottle
- Balloon And Bottle
- Coin In Cup
- Coupled Cups
- Balloon Bench
- Telescopic Jack
- Fantastic Fountain
- Hand Up
- Reduce Volume Increase Density
- Three Bottle Fountain
- Shrink And Sink
- Lifting Jack
- Vacuum Lift
- Touchy Fountain
- Fun with Boyle,s Law
- Bag Jack
- Injection to Balloon
- Level Low, Constant Flow
- Bubbly Bottles
- Heron Fountain
- Open Balloon
- Car Jack
- Tubelight Diver
- Siphon Height
- Blowing Bernoulli
- Fountain Jet
- Straw Spray
- Ball Blower
- Fiery Fountain
- Balloon Bottle Fountain
- Pull Water
- Low Pressure Bubbles
- Smallest burns Longest
- Bottle Barometer
- Lifting Fan
- Boyle's Balloon
- JCB Truck
- Ball in the Air
- Bernoulli Cone
- Bernoulli Bag
- Blow And Lift
- Deep Diver
- Freaky Flame
- Small is Strong
- Push Plungers
- Balloon Fountain
- Expansion Of Warm Air
- Vacuum Suction
- Bottle Shower
- Auto-Siphon
- Fountain On Fingertip
- Soda Bottle Fountain
- Glass Lifts Glass
- Bernoulli Balloon
- Boyle's Balloon In Bottle
"Magic Miscellany"
- Bird in Cage
- Braille Cube
- Pecking sparrows
- Touching Slate
- Palm Puppet
- One Extra Buck !!
- Thumb Trick!
- Penguin Pair
- Circling Bird
- Sweet Fire
- Flying Flame
- Persistence Of Vision
- Black Bottle Solar Heater
- How Many Things in a Matchbox?
- Tree Name Plate
- Smoking Kills
- Nodes And Anti-Nodes
- Indian Snake Trick
- Card Board Clock
- Rotary To Left-Right
- Two Nail Puzzle
- Handcuff Puzzle
- Heart Puzzle
- Two Piece Tetrahedron
- Join The Circles
- 3-D Paper Illusion
- Button-Wheel Car
- Tic - Tac Toy
- Striking Snake
- Pecking Birds
- Wood Pecker
- Shimmering Bird
- Moving Monkeys
- Magic Bank
- House Puzzle
- Wrapper Woman
- Cup And Ball
- Phat-Phat Boat
- Surodi Village Watershed Programme
- Magic Water Flow
- Winding Motion
- Heaven And Hell
- Simple Tessellation
- Ball Illusion
- Pecking Order
- Marble Swan
- Two "M" Puzzle
- Remove Beads Puzzle
- Ring Bead Puzzle
- Tailors Bias
- Whos Who At The Zoo
- Why Train Wheels Have A Slant?
- Tumbling Capsule
- Tumbling Matchbox
- Cloth Ball
- Jumping Clips
- Jumping Rubberband
- Standing Waves
- Dynamic Wave Model
- Rope Ripple
- Lift Rice
- Petal Pot
- Bottle Box
- Cut Potato Turns Brown?
- Bottle Lid Spinner
- Bottle Spider
- Twist Thread Spin-CD
- Leaf Creature
- Vector Tricycle
- Biscuit Packet Closure
- Floating Candle
- Colourful Bands
- Spring-Ring Puzzle
- Tetra Puzzle
- Thread Web
- Matchbox Stair Case
- Pretty Bird
"Math Magic"
- Abacus
- Flexagon
- Triangle Grid
- Flat Flexagon
- Slipper Insets
- Folding Pentagon
- Which Holds More?
- Tangram
- 14 Page book
- Paper Octagon
- Cylinder and Cone
- Area of Triangle
- Inset Puzzle
- A4 to Pentagon
- Clock Face Cut Cake
- Tetra Volume
- Matchstick Puzzle
- 20-Twenty Set Square
- Two Square Tetra
- Circumference And Diameter Ratio(Pi)=22/7
- Soccer Ball Design
- Newspaper Protractor Design
- Maths With Oranges
- Tangram
- Grid Patterns
- Geometric Series With Paper Cutting
- Visual Math - Geometric Series
- Triangle to Square
- Triangle to Rectangle
- No-Glue Cube
- Roulette
- Geoboard
- Star Patterns
- Soap Films
- Soap Path
- Paper Diamonds
- Paper Cobweb
- Circle to Ellipse
- Fun Fractions
- Square Box
- T - Puzzle
- Plus Puzzle
- Old Slipper Insets
- Cd - Protractor
- Inscribed Angles Of A Chord
- Regular Rectangle
- Tail Of Pi
- Racing Marble
- Pentagon With Oranges
- Pyramid With Oranges
- Hyperbola From Sticks
- Area Unchanged
- Feeling The Angles
- Diameter of Refill
- Square to Cylinder
- Finger Multiplication
- Broomstick Multiplication
- Paper Protractor
- Envelope Tetrahedron
- Circle to Rectangle
- Rectangle to Circle
- Add Angles
- Moebius Twist
- Folding Parabola
- Pythagoras Theorem
- Bit by Bit
- Prismatic Patterns
- Twenty Teaser
- Strip Tetra
- Expansion Of Warm Air
- Regular Parallelogram
- Loops To Square
- Paper Protractor Peacock
- A-4 Protractor
- Square Orange Stack
- Tetra With Oranges
- Meaning Of Synergy
- Biggest Triangle From A-4
- Angles In Numbers
"Motor and Generator"
"Newton Unplugged"
"Paper Fun"
- Colourful Fish
- Jumping Frog
- Flapping Butterfly
- Newspaper Caps
- Cat Puppet
- Chatterbox
- Goose Berry Star
- Transformation
- Self Locking Box
- Cool Dude
- Newspaper Bag
- Square To Box
- Modular Octagon
- Beautiful Butterfly
- Paper Bugs
- Dancing Eyes
- Paper Inflorescence
- Knotty Crab
- Paper Frog
- Rectangular Paper Box
- Push Box
- Colour Window
- 3-D Buddha
- Standing Paper Crane
- Bunny Rabbit
- Woven Ball
- Book Mark
- Along The Grain
- Paper Glider
- Paper Flower
- Flying Little Heart
- Colourful Paper Candy
- Origami Funny Cat
- Paper Petals
- Buckyball
- Bird of Peace
- Inside-Outside Cube
- Newspaper Bin
- Paper House
- Paper Clapper
- Tumbling Toy
- Paper Man
- Paper Shelf
- Paperbag With Handle
- Babloo's Boat
- Stand-Up Art
- Pen Box
- Paper Chandelier
- Paper Aperture
- 24 - Unit Ball
- Fishy Fish
- Paper Woodpecker
- Paper Tumbler
- Name Plate
- Folding Box
- Paper Orchid
- Paper Deer
- Paper Insect
- Fluttering Twin Butterfly
- 3-D Star
- Rectangle To Flower
- Christmas Tree
- Human Chain
- White Faced Paper Mouse
- Heart Envelope
- Paper Aeroplane
- Hanging Paper Star
- Modular Origami Ball
- Flapping Ear Rabbit
- Flapping Bird
- Fan-tailed Bird
- Paper Bin
- Paper Top
- Mother and Baby
- Square paper Spinner
- Envelope Petals
- Paper Pot
- Carry Bag
- Paper Crow
- White Swan
- Talking Frog
- Lovely Lotus
- Mother Teresa's Medicine Pouch
- 30 Unit Ball
- Walking Through A Postcard
- Curious Rat
- Magical Flip-Flop
- Throbbing Heart
- Paper Cup Fish
- Aero Bird
- 3-D Ganesha
- 3-D Pop-Up House
- Paper Balloon
- Angel Fish
- Blooming Lotus
- Pop-Up Hummingbird
- Pecking Birds
- Paper Lotus
- Quilling Butterfly
- Heart Corner Bookmark
- Paper Camera
- Triangular Patterns
"Pumps from the Dump"
"Simple Sounds"
"Spinning Toys"
- Acrobat
- Spinning Doll
- Merry-go-round
- Water Sprinkler
- Sudarshan Chakra
- Rotating Doll
- Spinning Rings
- Cup Centrifuge
- Two Way Fan
- Simple Spinner
- Get Going Glass
- Dancing Diamonds
- Cup Spinner
- Bottle Propeller
- Straw Swivel
- Bottle Turbine
- Cup Helicopter
- Pin Spin
- Brush In Rush
- Matchstick Turbine
- Aluminum Cup Spinner
- Vibrating Brush
- Magnetic Glass Spinner
- Multi Propellors
- Float And Spin
- Spin Fun
- Spiral Motion
- Press And Spin
- Square Paper Top
- Coin Spinner
- Buddy Top
- Cup Propeller
- Square Paper Spinner
- Plate Spinner
- Cap Top
- Spindle
- Windmill
- Pencil Spinner
- Straw Lift
- Spin of Earth
- Spiral Spinner
- Coin Centrifuge
- Balloon Spinner
- Marble Top
- Fan Driven Doll
- Plate Propellor
- Tube Propellor
- Paper Clip Spinner
- Syringe Air Fan
- Tornado Well
- Play Roundabout
- Aeolian Top
- Spin Ring
- Floppy Propeller
- Horizontal Windmill
- Two Way Turbine
- Turbine Spinner
- Transparency Bubble
- Super Spinning Bottle
- Bottle Fan
- Safety Pin Spinner
- Spinning Balloon
- Two Blade Fan
- Secret Script
- Bottle Fly Wheel
- Circling Balloon
- Squeeze And Spin
- Convection Fan
- Simple Top
- Clay Ball
- Dancing Washers
- Three Blade Paper Fan
- Magic Paper Fan
- Simple Tornado
- Bottle Tornado
- Button Spinner
- Spiral Snake
- Magic Motion
- Blow - Top
- Spinning Snake
- Bottle Ballerina
- CD Top
- Bent Straw Spinner
- Paper Cup Propeller
- Twin Tops
- Bottle Base Spinner
- Mobile Dancers
- CD-Coin Spinner
- Simple Strobe
- Straw Petals Fan
- Low Friction Spinner
- Rotate Propellor Spin Doll
- Heart Fan
- Spinning Spiral
- Four Blade Fan
- Pen Spinner
- Paper Rotocopter
- Cassette Spinner
- Cup Chandelier
- Tetra Turbine
- Fire Tornado
- Winged Fruit Spinner
- Pluck And Spin
"String Games"
"Strong Structures"
"Tipping Toppling Toys"
"Toys Designed by K. V. Potdar"
- Paper Lampshade
- Moon Buggy
- Traffic Police
- Crafty Cart
- Dandy Dino
- Two Way Fan
- Tooth Brush Insect
- Barometer Bottle
- Body Builder
- Big Dinosaur
- Straw Fan
- Crown Flower
- Conifer Tree
- Chandelier
- Pen Stand
- Peacock
- Jumping Bug
- Beach Bench
- Pin-up Art
- Pod Deer
- Multi-Stories
- Shimmering Matchbox
- Switch Car
- Recycled Cycle
- Face Fraud
- Coffee Table
- Paper Inflorescence
- Gear Man
- Sponge Elephant
- Spin Ring
- Hair Clip Bug
- Electric Bug
- Up-Down Doll
- Foam Rat
- Simple Sim-Art
- Balancing Boy
- Cranky Crank
- Preety Butterfly
- Bend Straw Man
- Levitating Man
- Man On Tricycle
- Crank Operated Bird
- Pull And Lift
- Gearing-Up
- Spinning Slinky
- Fluttering Butterfly
- Splendid Straw
- Soft Spider
- Striking Bird
- Dear Deer
- Paper Puppet
- Cup Creations
- Clip Creation
- Peanut Insect
- Rocking Mouse
- 3-D Butterfly
- Designer Fug
- Standing Paper Man
- Rotating Jocker
- Kinder Bug
- Beautiful Bus
- Paper Shankha
- Pleated Doll
- Car Jack
- Swinging Acrobat
- Spinning Acrobat
- Card Chair
- Flying Bat
- Mouse Bug
- Straw Pattern
- Coconut Tree
- Whirligig Beetle
- Bending Ballerina
- Blow Jack
- Cyclist
- Push-Ups
- Funny Footware
- Pretty Pot
- Dumper
- street Musician
- Ball Bug
- Cup Spinner
- Skeletal Butterfly
- Magnetic Bug
- Play Roundabout
- Ball Fan
- Walking Cylinder
- Tricycle
- Dream Bike
- Dear Deer
- Show Hammers
- Mobile Dancers
- Floating Fish
- Hair Clip Reindeer
- Floppy Art
- Wire Face
- Spoon Propeller
- Foam Creatures
- Lolly-pop Stick Propeller
- Flat Tree
- Chair To Table
- Pull And Open Flower
- Birds of Paradise
- Kinetic Horse
- Wire Lizard
- Tortoise From Trash
- Monkey Acrobat
- Roll And Walk
- Pretty Petals
- Fantastic Fan
- Sun Face
- Ganesha Illusion
- Divider Man
- Pen Man
- Walking The Ramp
- Pecking Sparrow
- Corrugated Spinner
- Happy New Year
- Colourful Straw Leaves
- Bottle Flowers
- Old Cassette Face
- Folding Shirt
- Paper Spiral Garland
- Paper Garland
- Bench And Bed
- Straw Man
- Creative Cart
- Beach Umbrella
- Planer Play
- Stick Man
- Fun Spiral
- Bead Beast
- Future Ferniture
- Vintage Telephone
- Wooden Lock And Chain
- Queen Of Sheba
- Glass Propellor
- Switch Bug
- Stick Stand
- Bitter Beetle
- Bottle Ballerina
- Going Gears
- Packing Puppies
- Mother And Child
- Flapping Wings
- Wire Weight Lifter
- Wheel Barrow
- Rocking Man
- Ring On Wing
- Wire Flower
- Baby Bucket
- Black Bird
- Wire Acrobat
- Paper Peacock
- Pretty Butterfly
- Bobbing Butterfly
- Baby Slippers
- 3-D Illusion
- Straw Shrub
- Link Mechanism
- Model Engine
- Wire Propellor
- Cranky Wood Cutter
- Chit-Chat Cup
- Dance Of Nine Cubes
- Strip Twist
- Dancing Doll On Cup
- Cranky Skipper
- Rub And Dance
- Striking Swan
- Corrugated Fan
- Fluttering Twin Butterfly
- Paper Umbrella
- Paper Chair
- Pipe Cleaner Bouquet
- Matchbox Playtoy
- Ball And Clip Bug
- Foam Animals
- Paper Chimney
- Jocker with Bellows
- Fun With Pasta Tubes
- Dynamic Paper Toys
"Toys from Trash"
- Tin Tanker
- Butterfly Net
- Floating Boat
- Leaf Zoo
- Corn Drummer
- Mango-Seed Animal
- Stretchable Stomach
- Cool Wool
- Coconut Creature
- Buckling Basket
- Shimmering Matchbox
- Butterfly In Bulb
- Icecream Stick Man
- Slithering Snake
- Precious Peacocks
- Torch From Trash
- Striking Swan
- There Is Art In Trash
- Balloon Mobile Cover
"Tree Tales"
"Amazing Puzzles"
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